100 Day Journey

Your whole life is a system; every aspect affects every other.

How are you going to make a good decision about your career future if you hate your home environment? How are you going to improve your relationship if you are completely stressed out about money?

Most of us glide through life. Inevitably, something (life) happens that changes everything.

Our deadlines change, goals are extended, plans are derailed. Standing in the ashes of our hopes, heartsick and face to face with risks, doubts, dangers, and possibilities that lurk in the fine print, we realize the danger in our unconscious assumptions.

The truth is, it can be difficult to unhear that little voice trying to scare you into staying on the life’s hamster wheel with the lie that says, “you have to work harder/faster/more for everyone and then you can…” in order to have what you want, to have what you deserve. Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy, covering up the path to your best, reinforcing your fears and limitations. 

So how do you get OFF that hamster wheel and ON to a more carefree, healthier life that gives you powerful feelings of inner peace? Well…

Every single day,  1% of the cells in your body is replaced. Now some of the parts of you are just as old as you are. For example, you only get one brain. Brain cells don't regenerate as you age but your neurons and neural pathways do. That means every 100 days you are transformed on a cellular level. to believe you could actually have a joy-filled life.


The 100 Day Journey Program is that time. Time for you to dig deep and find your resilience - the spirit within you that always moves you toward reconciliation, healing, and wisdom. It means looking inside yourself, taking stock of what is there, allowing your mind to foresee what the future holds for you, and begin setting off in the right direction.

“Stefanie has amazing qualities and possesses a beautiful soul. She helped me discover that it was easier to accept and love about me. My world changed from struggle to enjoyment. Thanks to her, I feel more in control of future. To me, she is the greatest thing since bottled wine.”

Sharon R.

Where to begin?

What focus do you want to start? Is it what makes you relaxed and happy instead of rushed and stressed? Or are you ready to figure out how to love yourself more, inside, outside or both?

We will craft a journey for you to access what keeps you energized, destressed and joy-filled.

It's really about helping you figure out your own answers; helping you become a better communicator with YOURSELF because when you do, you naturally work smarter instead and do better.


Your 100 Day Journey starts with a desire to be free of the things that make the stomach muscles ball up in knots. It gets you in touch with your core, the spirit inside your soul. Then it puts the focus back on what you can actually affect change in - peace of mind. 


How will it work?

First we’ll encourage your relaxation muscle. You solve problems more easily and bounce back quickly from life’s lumps and bumps when you have mental breathing room.

Then we will craft a set of new self-talk statements, help you overcome procrastination, clear mental blocks and increase your self-confidence.

  • Bi-weekly phone/zoom/skype 60-90 minute sessions - to give you more clarity.

  • Weekly Meditation - to help you continue your inner journey.

  • Daily 3-5 minute voicemails or text messages- to engage the right motivation just for you.

You will have more energy, more confidence, increased self-esteem, and knowledge to not only start developing the skills to set your goals, but also to go after each of them, one by one.

Can you handle someone concentrating on just you and your drive to live a bountiful life? Don’t worry - I got you.

We will tackle what’s in the way of getting you on the path back to yourself. Together.

It’s an investment of $1,897.00*
